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April 22, 2024

Cambridge Year 6 Rocks the Icon Assembly on Sir Alexander Fleming

Celebrated by our Cambridge year 6 students, a fantastic Icon Assembly all about Sir Alexander Fleming took place. The assembly wasn't your typical history lesson. Our students transformed into a team of mini-scientists, complete with lab coats and goggles, to share the incredible story of Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin, the world's first broadly effective antibiotic!

The coolest part? They explained how Fleming's discovery wasn't planned at all! It all happened because he left some experiments out on a dish while he was away. When he came back, surprise! Mold had grown, but in a good way. The students cleverly showed how this mold actually stopped bacteria from growing, leading Fleming to discover the wonder medicine, penicillin.

To further enhance the experience, the student presenters even conducted a simple experiment in front of their friends. This hands-on demonstration visually represented Fleming's discovery, making the science come alive for their audience.

This assembly wasn't just about cool science facts, though. It was a celebration of curiosity and the importance of never giving up on an experiment, even if things get a little messy! By sharing Fleming's story, our year 6 students highlighted the power of science to improve our lives and keep us healthy, which perfectly aligns with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Gem 8 (Community and Care) of the 9Gems Holistic Education Framework.

Hopefully this assembly will inspire some future scientists in the audience!

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